Schedule of Fees

Fee Schedule effective as of September 1, 2024.

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Account History Printout (up to 6 months) Falcon Fraud Protection
Bill Pay IRA Annual Fee
Coin Counter Loan Overdraft from VISA/Line of Credit
Consumer Loan Application Loyalty Checking with Direct Deposit1
Overdraft Protection transfer from savings
Reg D: no more than six transfers per month.
Mobile Deposit
CO-OP ATM Withdrawals Notary Service (for CU business)
Copies of Paid Checks (up to 6 months) Quick Teller
Counter Checks Returned Mail
eServices Statement Copies (up to 6 months)
Initial Card(s) Cost No Charge
Card Replacement $ 10
Card order rush request $ 60
Out of network transactions (third party fees may apply)
Non-CO-OP ATM withdrawals $ 2
International Service Assessment Fee 1% of amount
Opportunity Checking $ 10 per month            

Regular Checking Account
Monthly fee waived with one of the following:
* $500 or more daily balance or
* Under 18 and over 62 years of age.

$ 5 per month
Paper Statements $ 3 per month
Business Checking                              $ 25 per month            
Paper Statements $ 3 per month
Car Fax                                                               $ 30              
DMV processing $ 40
Expedited Payoff Check $ 30
Fast Cash $ 35
Home Equity Line of Credit Annual Fee $ 50
Payment by Phone/Text (PayTrace) $ 6.99
Payment by Phone (Message Pay) $ 10
Payoff Demand (Real Estate) $ 30
Skip-A-Pay $ 40
Reconveyance and Recording (Real Estate) $ 250
EFT and ACH Non-Sufficient Funds                   $ 30              
Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Check                     $ 30           
Overdraft Privilege $ 28
Uncollected Funds $ 30
Holiday Saver Early Withdrawal Penalty           $30.00           
Scholar Saver Early Withdrawal Penalty $30.00
Summer Saver  Early Withdrawal Penalty $30.00
Cashier's/Official Check                                                                         $ 8
Levies Processing $ 50
Non-Member Checking Cashing (on-us/Official) $ 10
Notary service (For transacting non-CU business) $ 15 per signature
Reg D excess transaction(Phone transfers) $ 5
Research of account
Minimum charge of $25
$ 50 per hour
Returned deposit/loan payment check $ 20 per check
Stop payment $ 25 per item
Wire Transfers
Domestic $ 30
International $ 60
Signature Loan                                  $ 20
Visa $ 10
Mortgage 6% of regular payment
All other Loans 5% of regular payment or $25, whichever is greater.


1 Monthly service fee will be waived if there is a recurring direct deposit into the account as stated on the Fee Disclosure.  If there is no direct deposit in the account for (60) days or more, the Loyalty Checking Account will convert to a Regular Checking Account. 

2 In compliance with Federal Banking Regulation D, you may make up to six transfers or withdrawals by means of a preauthorized, automatic, electronic or telephonic transfer to another account of yours or to a third party or by check, debit card or similar order to a third party during any calendar month. If you exceed the transfer limitations set forth above, your request may not be allowed and your account may be subject to a fee.

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Current Rates

Current rates
New Auto 5.74% APR*
Used Auto 6.24% APR*
First Time Auto Buyer 9.49% APR*
Holiday 8.99% APR*
VISA Platinum 9.99% APR*