
Please direct all media inquiries to:
Marlena Rascon-Renteria, Chief Experience Officer
760-352-1540 x 109

Password Complexity Update

Thursday, June 18th, 2020

Keep your Account Secure

Effective June 22, 2020, all members who are enrolled in Online Banking will be prompted to have a password that meets our enhanced security requirements.

Weak passwords leave your computers, personal information, and accounts vulnerable to attack. In an effort to be proactive in minimizing security risks on our members' accounts, we have implemented a new requirement for strong password complexity for Online Banking effective June 22.

If your current password does not meet our new password complexity requirement, you will receive a update prompt upon entering your password.

In order to follow password complexity best practices, your Online Banking password complexity will need to fulfill the following:

  1. Minimum 8 character length
  2. Case sensitive
  3. At least one uppercase letter
  4. At least one number
  5. At least one symbol. Valid characters are  ( ! # $ % & * < > ? )


Watch our Video Tutorial here to learn how to update your password on the mobile app. 


Tips for a Stronger Password:

  • Change your password at least every 90 days
  • Avoid using personal information:
  • Names of your spouse, child, relative, pet or alma mater
  • Telephone numbers and social security numbers
  • Cities and States, especially home towns
  • Home address
  • Work address
  • Vehicle License Plates


Thank you for participating in this proactive security measure. Your patience is appreciated as we continue to improve our online security.

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